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The Public Realm

Green Infrastructure

Through the whole design process, there has been a large emphasis on substantial provision of green space for the whole site. Aside from the large area of public open space surrounding Silo D. We wanted to provide open space either around or within the residential plots. This includes shared community gardens for the bungalows, further supporting the sense of community. Within the apartments and flats, we wanted to provide green space for residents to use.

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Blue Infrastructure

Across the whole site there is around 2.1 kilometres of walkable waterfront. It has been proven that blue infrastructure can benefit peoples mental health. Ensuring that as much of the original dockside is maintained helps keep a link with the heritage of the area. Whilst also providing an essential social amenity. This waterfront also links in with the wider dockside in the area.

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Community Hubs

Across the site there will be a number of areas that will be designated as 'community hubs'. These will be places that are built upon strong community links. Where the community can go and mix and interact. They will be maintained by a Community Land Trust. Which in turn will allow local residents to make decisions that directly effect the areas which they use. More information on the Community Land Trust will be covered in the Finance and Funding section. 


Providing sufficient open space and access to blue infrastructure is key to helping peoples mental and physical health. This is especially important in built up urban areas, where a lack of easily accessible green space had impacts on residents of high rise flats and apartments.

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